Monday, August 3, 2009
Weekend Recap: Just The Two Of Us & LOST
I have come to cherish the weekends Sam & I have no commitments whatsoever. We do love hanging out with people & traveling to spend the weekends with family, but we really love being on our own schedule too! This weekend was one of our "own" weekends and it was great!
Friday, I got home from work and Sam & I headed to pick up some groceries from Costco (Sam had already been to Safeway - what a great guy!) . We also ate dinner at Costco, which isn't quite the healthiest, but oh-so-good! Following Costco, we decided to hunt down the third season of LOST since we had a free weekend to watch it. Two stores later and we secured our plans for the weekend. The rest of the night was spent with our latest obsession - LOST. We did have late night visitors in the form of Matt & Krista (Sam's brother & his girlfriend).
Saturday had an (unwelcomed) early start for myself. Since the pups are woken up early on the weekdays so we can go to work, they usually return the favor to us on the weekends when we want to sleep in. Being the nice wife I am, I have been known to take them downstairs and let Sam sleep in some more. This happened on Saturday, so instead of sleeping in, I checked my e-mail, Reader, Facebook, & Twitter & cuddled with the pups downstairs. When Sam got up, we turned LOST on again and he made us waffles & bacon for breakfast, while I worked on hemming 3 pairs of pants (I love my sewing machine!) .
At one of the disc changes, we took a break from LOST and Sam mowed the lawn & I worked on the laundry. Then we got ready & headed out to the Salem Farmer's Market for some summer treats - italian ice, shaved ice, & blueberries. Then we came home & spent the afternoon watching... yes, you guessed it, LOST.
Sunday was pretty normal for us - woke up, went to church, came home. We finished the third season of LOST and spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready for the upcoming work week.
Although it sounds like we were hermits all weekend, we loved it. We haven't had many open weekends this summer and sometimes we just need to hang out with each other!
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