Thursday, September 20, 2012
27 Weeks!
How Far Along: 27 Weeks!
Size of Baby: a head of cauliflower {16 in, 2.5 lbs} according to What To Expect.
Maternity Clothes: I got a new pair of jeans & am hopeful they'll carry me through the end {fingers crossed}.
Gender: a sweet baby GIRL!
Movement: I love the reassurance that she gives when she moves & kicks. It seems she's most active after lunch, which is when I'm usually the most tired :)
Sleep: Still sleeping through the night & very thankful for that!
What I miss: Not getting winded whenever I walk up the stairs...
Cravings: Still loving fruit, but this week has been about whatever fills me up.
Other crazy symptoms: None that I can think of.
Best Moment this week: Moving forward with the nursery --- we received a dresser from Sam's parents and our next step is to refinish it so I can start putting adorable little baby things away.
I just love your darling baby belly! Have fun getting the nursery ready.