Thursday, September 27, 2012
28 Weeks!
How Far Along: 28 Weeks!
Size of Baby: a small cabbage {17 in, 2.9 lbs} according to What To Expect.
Maternity Clothes: All maternity, all the time! Since we're transitioning into colder weather (at least when I leave in the morning), I'm interested to see how my jackets/sweaters fit into this phase of life. Thank goodness for open cardigans :)
Gender: a sweet baby GIRL!
Movement: It definitely seems like she's much more active in the afternoon/evening time than in the morning.
Sleep: Even though she's active, I'm still able to sleep through the night, which I'm thankful for!
What I miss: The excitement I had at the beginning of the pregnancy... don't get me wrong, I am excited to meet her in just a couple months, but we still have a few unknowns that won't get answered until she's here.
Cravings: Breads have been at the top of my list this week.
Other crazy symptoms: I'm starting to feel some pain in my back, but that could also be because I sit at a desk all day. My goal is to get up and move around more to see if that makes any difference.
Best Moment this week: We got to see our little girl at our appointment this week, which always eases my worrying heart some. I also got to see a lot of family + friends from CA this weekend!
Looking great! :)