I had been talking about going to the Woodburn Outlets for a couple weeks now and with the Labor Day weekend upon us, I finally made it!
Sam & I started the day off with a very nice haircut (for him), followed by a 30 minute drive to our morning destination - yup, Woodburn!
I wasn't sure how the crowds were going to be (Labor Day sidewalk sales are a BIG deal, apparently), but we got there at opening and hit up a few stores before it got too crazy.
Sam definitely spoiled me and I got a lot of cute items from the GAP, Fossil, and Columbia Outfitters, as well as a few things from a kitchen store (yes, I'm very married now =)). Don't worry, Sam got some key items as well, except we left with no tennis shoes for him... maybe next time.
The rest of the day was spent cleaning house. Tomorrow we're having a family event at our house in Salem. I'm kind of excited to show the progress we've got on making the house our home. I vacuumed, sweeped, cleaned the bathrooms, put wedding pictures in frames, and even hung a few up. I straightened up the garage (for no real reason) and Sam took care of the dishes. Laundry has been going all day and still isn't finished... I love being married!
I'm sure I'll have more pictures of tomorrow's events, but I didn't want to go without saying how much I enjoyed the time I spent with Sam this morning - thanks love!