My aunt tagged me on Facebook and I loves me some cheesey "forwards" so I had to fill it out. I know of a few who read my blog and aren't on Facebook, so I thought I'd post my 25 Things list here too. Enjoy!
1. I was born in Santa Barbara and only lived there for less than 2 years, but feel a strong connection to the city and LOVE being there.
2. I love looking at pictures of when I was little, especially of me and my Papa, my dad's dad.
3. When I was little, I knew what shows were on what channel on what nights - my parents called me The Walking TV Guide.
4. The first puppy my family bought, I instantly wanted to name him Blue Flower - sadly, my parents said no for the first name, but let me use it as a middle name.
5. I have totaled 2 cars in the 7 years I've been driving... oops.
6. When I met my Sam for the first time, I never imagined he'd sweep me off my feet and make me happier than I ever thought I could be.
7. My brothers & I have some great memories of our summers in New Hampshire.
8. When I met my in-laws for the first time, I was scared silent and couldn't talk at all.
9. I now LOVE my in-laws as if they were my own parents!
10. Plus, I now have 2 older brothers and my first SISTER! What a package deal!
11. Finding something I've been wanting on sale is a great day for me.
12. I had to have my ears pierced at age 6, but now rarely where earrings ever.
13. As impersonal as it is, I would rather e-mail than use the phone.
14. The older I get, the more I realize how similar my mom and I are.
15. I've never broken a bone, but have had over 8 years of braces.
16. I aim to please... my parents are first on the list.
17. I am quite shy when I first meet someone, but I eventually warm up.
18. When I'm alone in the car, I sing along to the radio at the top of my lungs.
19. I LOVE my friends, most of the time more than I can express.
20. Tears (both good & bad) are a common occurrence for me.
21. I am scared & excited to have children some day.
22. Please wait at least 5 years to see/hear about said future children.
23. I'm forever thankful to my college roommate & Best Friend Kelly for all that she taught me.
24. I love being married to Sam!
25. I consider myself one of the luckiest girls in the world.
I love it, I feel like I am one of those lucky girls too!