A lot of things need to get done this weekend, but I refuse to let it get me stressed out!
First, it is Friday and I couldn't be more thankful!
Then, I get to spend tomorrow with my best friend (see also: college roommate, maid of honor) uninterupted, all day! We have tons to catch up on, mainly her recent engagement and upcoming wedding! So excited!
Sam and I are also planning on getting a head start on our Holiday decorating this weekend! We'll be traveling for Thanksgiving (more to come on this) and then it will be December and less than 4 weeks until Christmas. I am nothing but someone who loves to plan ahead :)
In between all of the above, Sam and I also need to find time to pack for the aforementioned travels. This is the part where I refuse to get stressed!
We'll be seeing both families over the next week, but will be spending Thansgiving with my mom this year! (A full update when we return)
Even though we will have a full weekend/ week ahead, I am in a state of happiness for some reason and love it!
Hope you all have a great weekend and a happy Thanksgiving week!