This weekend we
cleaned our house. Instead of doing our normal weekend clean-up routine, we decided to scrub, vacuum, and steam clean the whole house, from top to bottom, in honor of Spring!
Our original plan was to try to shampoo the carpets, but after talking to my MIL, we realized we didn't have all the parts to the hand-me-down one we own, so that was put on the back burner until we can borrown theirs. Instead, we decided to focus on deep cleaning the areas we use most - living room, kitchen, & bathrooms.
We own two vacuums
(Ha! Never thought I'd be that person) , so we split up & conquered - I stayed downstairs with one and Sam headed upstairs with the other - and before we knew it, the carpets were done.
Then we moved to the kitchen, where Sam took the counters & I worked on the floors. Our walls, doors & baseboards were in need of a little attention as well, so I whipped out the
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, which truly perform magic on almost all surfaces.
(no, I was not compensated for this comment, but you should really check them out!)Our last area of cleaning was the bathrooms. I'm not a fan of cleaning toilets & tubs, but I knew it had to be done. We have three bathrooms in our house and although there is only two of us most of the time, they all get used at some point in between cleanings, so cleaning had become necessary at this point.
In my opinion, all this cleaning was a great way to spend our Saturday morning! Since we finished before noon, we had ample time to relax and enjoy the weekend & our clean home! Now if only the house stayed clean for weeks, instead of a few days...What did you do this weekend?