...Crossing off a big dental obsticles off my ever-growing list. Here's hoping this root canal goes better than the last.
...Spending a whole day with my newly married roommate*. I see coffee, catching up, & Eat Pray Love.
...Carving pumpkins {for the third year in a row - see first & second} with the whole Grable family, while also celebrating a milestone birthday for my lovely SIL.
...Helping Sam with his first official photo shoot. Can't wait to see how they turn out!
...Hanging out with James, Michelle, & Levi in Redmond {after almost a year}.
...Visiting my mom & her new life down in CA for almost a whole week!
What are you looking forward to?
What are you looking forward to?
*Kelly will always be my roommate at heart, whether we live together or not.
I too am looking forward to carving pumpkins!