Our New Years Eve was relatively quiet (the way we prefer it). We ran errands in the morning, then did some damage up at the outlet mall with Sam's brother & brother's girlfriend, followed by some macaroni & cheese and Julie & Julia. The Weathers also made an appearance for a round of games before we entered 2010. A fun night!
I am not one who usually makes resolutions each year, but I have a few things I would like to strive for/live by this year:
* Workout at least 3 times/week
* Read at least 1 book/month
* Stick to our set budget hard!
* Use what I have before buying new (shampoo, lotion, etc.)
* Buy what I LOVE, not just like.
They seem simple enough, but will require some discipline on my part, I am sure!
I hope to bring more to this here blog as well (both serious & entertaining). I am not sure how many readers I have outside our family & close friends, but I would like to connect to any and all readers who stumble upon Grable Tales. So welcome 2010 & Happy New Year to all my readers out there!
Good resolutions...Love you!!