{While Thursday wasn't quite the weekend yet, I'm counting it on the highlight list due to it being close.} Alicia of
Likely Badger hosted another after hours party at Anthropologie and Kristi and I had a great time trying on clothes and getting input from all in attendance!
Remember how last week we had dinner with my brother after one of his pharmacy school interviews? Well, with another interview down
{count: 2}, he's already received an acceptance! I couldn't be more proud of him!
*Saturday morning brought some much-needed catch up with my college roommate, Kelly! We met up in our college town, hit up two local coffee shops, and filled each other in on our lives. If only we could do this every weekend...
*When I got back home, we headed over to Charles & Kristi's house to hang out. The main reason we had gone over was so I could: sew some buttons on to one of Charles' suits; and assist Kristi in dying her hair
{pictured above}. After completing my "tasks", we had dinner & then got beat by the boys in Pinochle.
*Lastly, today ended up being the most productive day at home I've had all month! After church, we got our taxes done, worked out, and then deep cleaned the house. Now I feel like I could sleep for days, but it is nice to spend the last few hours of the weekend relaxing in a clean house!
Hope you all have a good week!
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