Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Thoughts

If I could describe the past week with one word, it would be: sick! 

Between a nasty head cold over the weekend to an unbearable headache a couple nights ago, I’m thankful to be (finally!) feeling on the mend today.

Maybe that’s one of the reasons I didn’t actually run my 5k last weekend…

I did, however, attend a Influence Network class on dSLR basics, which was so easy to understand that I may even spend some time this weekend practicing off of automatic!

My body may have been physically recovering this week, but once again, the Internet has been refreshing both spiritually & emotionally, with special thanks to these posts:

  • First, my friend Rhi wrote a post about her journey to become a mom this week and I seriously cried tears of joy for her as I read this post!  I've been reading her blog for the last four years at least and am so encouraged by what amazing things can happy even when you're in a darkest of times.  Beautiful!
  • I love the Influence Network for a number of reasons, but mostly for the connection to other amazing blogs, like Lindsay's.  This week she wrote about life experiences and whether they are worth it or not and what I loved most was the reminder that God is going through these experiences with us and that they make us who we are (which I find myself needing to remember often).
  • Along similar lines, Bo Stern, author of Beautiful Battlefields, wrote a simple post around Psalm 23:1 and what to do with that "wanting" feeling.  It isn't a long post, but it's another great reminder that God is with us, always!

So that’s what I’m thinking about this week.  What's grabbed your attention this week?

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