Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday

It's that time of the week - another installment of WIWW. And by the looks of it, this week's theme was {mostly} patterned tees + jeans, which I will be the first to admit is about 75% of my closet so this should be no surprise to anyone.

Jacket: Gap
Necklace: Anthropologie
Tee: Downeast Basics
Pants: Anthropologie
Flats: Privo

Sweater: Nordstrom
Tank: Banana Republic outlet
Belt: Old Navy
Jeans: J.Crew outlet
Flats: Urban Outfitters

Top: Anthropologie
Jeans: Banana Republic outlet
Wedges: Target

Top: Anthropologie
Pants: Calvin Klein
Boots: Target

Top: Anthropologie
Jeans: J.Crew outlet
Heels: Privo

Monday, April 25, 2011

Over the Weekend

This year, we spent Easter down in Eugene with my BIL & SIL one last time before they move up to Portland. We were privledged enough to hear my SIL sing again {above}, and of course the message brought tears to my eyes. We ended our time together with lasagna, homemade bread {courtesy of my BIL}, conversation & reflection.

I know as Christians our focus should be on Jesus' death & resurrection every day, but it continues to amaze me every time I hear the story & reasons behind the amazing gift He gave us through the cross.

Hope you all had a blessed Easter!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday

Normally I prepost this feature on the blog, but somehow last night got away from me {could be that I was preoccupied with the Portland Blazers game + hemming some curtains for Kristi}, so I'm in a little bit of a rush this morning. Regardless, here's {most of} the past week's outfits:

Sweater: Gap
Tank: Anthropologie
Jeans: J.Crew Outlet
Shoes: Toms

Top: Anthropologie
Tee: Anthropologie
Belt: Old Navy
Jeans: J.Crew
Boots: Forever 21

Top: Anthropologie
Pants: Calvin Klein
Wedges: Target

Top: Anthropologie
Tee: Downeast Basics
Pants: J.Crew
Shoes: Toms

Sweater: Pleione
Dress: J.Crew
Wedges: Toms

Monday, April 18, 2011

Over the Weekend

First off, sorry for the lack of pictures. I'd like to blame it on the inability to lift my arms {see below}, but I'm pretty sure I just forgot. Regardless, I do still want to document the weekend for the blog's sake, so here's a few of the highlights:

  • Due to the state of our economy, Friday was a furlough day for myself. Sam had planned ahead and worked four 10 hour days so we could have the day off together!

  • I purchased a Groupon for Willamette Burger Company last Fall and knew it was expiring soon, so our {weekly} Friday lunch consisted of burgers + the best tots ever!

  • Remember the raised beds Sam made a couple weeks ago? They have started an unexpected backyard makeover, which continued this weekend with the removal of more sod.

  • Almost four hours later, we were finished. In other words, "ouch" courtesty of my arms + legs.

  • Next step: barkdust {and giving our bodies a little time to recover}.
How was your weekend?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday & a thank you!

Another typical week. I did miss a few days due to my photographer {husband} going to work earlier than usual & taking a little long getting ready on Sunday, but 5 out of 7 isn't too bad in my opinion. After each WIWW post, I find myself looking back at the past outfits and noticing a couple things - {1} I have some definite favorites & {2} it's time to get rid of some pieces in my closet. Plus, I find myself thinking about my outfits more, which keeps me out of a slump. I suppose I have Lindsey @ The Pleated Poppy to thank for this awesome idea she had to keep us accountable!
{Wednesday} Sweater: Ann Taylor Loft Top: Anthropologie Jeans: J.Crew Heels: Privo

{Thursday} Jacket: Downeast Basics, hand-me-down from Kristi Tee: Downeast Basics Pants: Calvin Klein Flats: Naturalizer


Jacket: Anthropologie Tee: Downeast Basics Jeans: J.Crew Wedges: Toms

{Saturday} Jacket: Gap Tee: Anthropologie Jeans: J.Crew outlet Shoes: Keds

{Monday} Top: Land's End Canvas Jeans: Banana Republic outlet Heels: Born

Monday, April 11, 2011

Over the Weekend

This weekend brought another baby shower for my SIL, Laura {this one thrown by her church family} and we headed up just for the occasion. With hosting duties off my plate, I acted as photographer and as you might not be able to see from the pictures I selected for this post, believe me when I say my niece is going to be one styling little girl thanks to all the cute clothes she received!

"My auntie loves me" onesie. Very true!

One of three {handmade} quilts for the baby!

The spread.

The haul.

And the beautiful momma-to-be!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Love: Molly Mutt dog beds

Our pup, Lily, was recently in need of a new dog bed, so where did I turn? The Internet of course! I searched through my Google Reader and came across Molly Mutt dog beds and knew I had found Lily's new bed. With different sizes & patterned covers {we went with the small Mr. Postman duvet}, this bed can change with your decorating needs. And I love the stuff sack you place inside the cover for the sole purpose that it keeps everything together inside!

I think Lily may still be getting used to her new sleeping quarters {she had her previous bed for almost 3 years}, but I can tell you I'm already a big fan of the style & quality!

*FYI: I was not compensated for this post, I just love to share what I find!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday

Another week, another group of pictures. Not much to report happening this week, except maybe a haircut {see Saturday's post}, but without fail, this weekly post does serve the purpose of not allowing me to wear the same couple items from my closet day after day.

Sweater: Macy's
Top: Anthropologie
Jeans: Banana Republic outlet
Wedges: Privo

Top: Anthropologie
Tank: Downeast Basics
Pants: Calvin Klein
Flats: Urban Outfitters

Top: Anthropologie
Jeans: J.Crew outlet
Shoes: Keds

Vest: Land's End Canvas
Tee: Downeast Basics
Jeans: Calvin Klein
Flats: Privo

Top: Anthropologie
Tank: Downeast Basics
Leggings: Hue
Boots: Target

Top: Ann Taylor Loft, via SIL
Pants: Gap
Flats: Privo

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Over the Weekend

Looking back at our weekend, we definitely took advantage of the nice weather. Between building raised beds and tearing out grass, it is also easy to say our bodies need a couple days to rest {which unfortunately isn't going to happen since it's Sunday night and we've got a full week of work ahead of us}. However, it is nice to see a vision for our yard and we can't wait to find more time to work on it.

Our first of two trips to stock up on lumber for the raised beds.

A {pre} shot of where we tore out the grass for our new raised beds.

Kristi's parents picking up the raised beds {5 in total} that Sam made for them.