Monday, March 2, 2015

March Goals [with Grace]

Even though February was a shorter month, it was the first one in a while that I haven't been shocked with how fast it flew by. As much as I love crossing things off of lists, it was nice to focus my monthly goals on self-care rather than my always growing to-do list.  And I'm ready to welcome March in with open arms.

February Recap:

1. Participate in Nancy Ray's Contentment Challenge // I did pretty well. I love the idea and really felt like it made me think about what I want vs. what I need.

2. Walk 3x/week // I knocked this one out of the park, at least up until this last week (when Calvin got sick).  This one did a lot of my mood because on the days that I didn't walk, I could feel it.

3. Go on a date with Sam // I'm sad to say that this didn't happen. I had every intention to make this happen and even talked to Sam about it, but it just didn't happen. We did have some good uninterrupted time while we were away, but no real date night. Maybe next month...

March Goals: 

1. Consistently work on getting our home ready to sell // we have decided on a date that we would like to put our house on the market, which means we have a several tasks that we need to finish before then and I just don't want it to sneak up on us.

2. Catch up on photo books // for the first five years of our marriage, I did well when it came to annual photo books, but since then it's always been on my to-do list. Now I feel the push because I'd like to be caught up before I need to do Calvin's first year...

3. Date night with Sam // i.e. find a babysitter and get out of the house!


  1. Yay Meghan for seeing fruit this past month in the goals the Lord has set on your heart! I love reading these goals past and seeing a small glimpse into your life in this season. xo

  2. date night, date night, date night! Good luck with that goal. It is so important and yet way too easy to skip over to talk your way out of doing. Cheering for you!

  3. Girl, I so wish that we lived closer! I would TOTALLY babysit Calvin so y'all could have a date night! It's so important!

  4. Wonderful goals! Even though we won't be selling our house too soon, it may be in the nearish future (so I would take any advice about getting it ready to go on the market!). Yay for walking 3x per week--I am hopeful for doing that this month :)

  5. Get that date night on the calendar, sweet friend! You can do it :) xoxoxo.
