Monday, May 4, 2015

May Goals [With Grace]

As a list maker, I look forward to these posts. Even when I hardly finish crossing things off my list, I still like the accountability & declaring my goals, even if it's just for me.

April was a good month. We celebrated Calvin's first birthday ((woot woot!)) and got our house on the market ((yay!)). In short, the month flew by!

April Recap:

1. Finish getting our home ready to sell // Done + listed. Now we just wait for a buyer...

2. Catch up on photo books
// Check! I just have Calvin's fist year to do, but have caught up with our family albums.

3. Celebrate Calvin's first birthday/our first full year of parenting
// Success!

4. Comment/e-mail ten people telling them how much their (blog/Twitter/Instagram) posts resonate with me // I think I contacted about six people, which isn't horrible, but I'm going to shoot for another ten this month.

May Goals:

1. No unnecessary spending // I'm putting myself on another contentment challenge... we have plenty and we're really trying to save now that we have the house on the market.

2. Continue decluttering // We are looking to go from almost 2,000 square feet to under 1,200 square feet when we sell our home, so I've been trying to remind myself "less is more". Jen Hatmaker's "7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess" has been on my wishlist for a while now, so I'm thinking this might be the month to dive in.

3. Comment/e-mail ten people telling them how much their (blog/Twitter/Instagram) posts resonate with me // A carryover from last month, but one I hope to do regularly. 

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