Do you ever find yourself in search of simple, everyday pieces to add to your jewelry collection, yet not finding exactly what you’re looking for? I do!
Growing up, I hardly ever wore any jewelry. Actually, It wasn’t until my husband proposed to me over 5 years ago {gifting me a beautiful engagement ring} that I turned a corner from wearing no jewelry to expanding my collection to reflect my new love of jewelry.
So I have been searching and searching and honestly felt like I wasn’t finding pieces that I wanted to wear every day. That is until my childhood friend, Ashley, introduced me to Stella & Dot. Not only do they have a just what I’ve been looking for when it comes to simple necklaces, bracelets, rings, and earrings, but they also have a wide selection of memorable statement pieces that dress up an outfit instantly.
And Ashley, who is also a Stella & Dot stylist, has graciously offered to give away one of my current favorite pieces - the On The Mark Necklace - to one lucky winner today!
To enter {2 possible entries}:
- Visit Ashley’s Stella & Dot page and leave a comment back here stating which piece are you currently loving from Stella & Dot’s new Summer Collection along with your email address.
- “Like” Ashley’s Stella & Dot Facebook page, and leave a comment back here stating that you did.
The giveaway will end Friday, May 11 at 11:59pm PST. The winner will then be chosen via and notified via e-mail.
Good luck!
I was not compensated in anyway for this giveaway. Just happy to share a new {to me!} company + their beautiful products!