Besides working, I've been spending my evenings catching up on a couple TV series I missed the first time around. Pretty Little Liars has been Twitter topic in my stream for the last year or so and I finally started watching this month. Boy, is it suspense-full or what? And Sam & I decided to start watching The West Wing and I'm really enjoying the story lines and learning a little more about politics at the same time.
I finally took the plunge and joined The Influence Network officially. I'm really not sure what took me so long seeing as it's hard to go a week without mentioning this community, but this week I have discovered the forums and have already been blessed by some amazing conversations going on there.
Last night I attended my second Influence Network class and yet again, it was just what I needed to hear. Lindsey shared all about introverts and how to work with it instead of trying to change it. While some may not think of me as quite introvert (my husband for one, partly because he's much more introverted than I am), a lot that Lindsey shared that really resonated with me and opened my eyes to what I can do to make things easier & not as stressful for me in larger group settings & work situations. Thank you Lindsey!
This week, several posts caught my attention and had me asking my self some questions in order to dig deeper both in my faith and my every day life.
- Earlier this week, in preparation for her class last night, Lindsey wrote about how much she doesn't like talking on the phone and I immediately related to this post. I've never been a fan of the phone mainly because I don't feel like I'm an eloquent speaker and I have been thinking about how I can share that with those who I interact with so I don't hurt their feelings by not calling more.
- The next post that caught my attention was from Erin at Blue Eyed Bride. I've followed her blog for years now and mentioned her posts before, but her post this week on her family's mission and in a world where families aren't always on the same page in how they are living, this post left me wondering why we haven't thought about creating a mission statement for our family...
- And lastly, Jessi from Naptimes Diaries, wrote an amazing post about six little questions we should be asking ourselves about how we're living this life God has given us to the fullest. I've returned to these questions several times this week and even changed my direction mid-day to get back on course. I'd urge you to check out these questions if you're looking for more out of your day.
So that’s what I’m thinking about this week. What's grabbed your attention this week?