Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Truth: I’ve never really been the kind of person who goes to a lot of concerts.

Sure, I listen to music and sing along with the radio on a daily basis, but I've never had the desire to spend a lot of money to attend a concert.  But two years ago, when I saw Sara Bareillis perform at the Schnizter Auditorium in Portland, all my preconceived notions of how concerts were not worth it changed completely.  
Not only did I actually know her whole set of songs she played, but the show itself was just fantastic!  I remember leaving the concert thinking, “I can’t wait to see her perform again!”  And for the last couple years, I’ve been doing just that, waiting.

Well, last Friday, she finally returned to Portland and put on an even better show than the last!  With just her voice, a few instruments, and a more intimate venue, Sara Bareillis put on an amazing concert for all who attended.


(As you can tell from some of the pictures, we were really close to the stage!  Like four-rows-back close!  And in between almost every song, she would talk to the audience like we were life-long friends.  I’ve never been to a concert where that’s happened!) 

Again I knew most of the songs, which is always a plus, but with an new album coming out this summer, she threw a couple of the new songs that I instantly fell in love with.  In fact, my favorite song of the night was her new single, “Brave”.  It’s a beautiful song that reminds me that life isn’t always easy, but if you remember to be yourself, that’s all anyone can really ask of you. 

1 comment:

  1. We go to see her tonight! I can't wait!! Especially after reading your rave reviews!
