Friday, August 16, 2013

Five on Friday

Happy Friday!

I'm a little late in posting my five on Friday, but better late than never, right?  I'm linking up again with Darci & friends again this week.

With summer wrapping up, I'm loving all the vacation recaps that are popping up on my feed!  While we didn't have any big getaways this summer, I've been enjoying reading about other people's.  Two recaps that stood out this week were Bower Power and Blue Eyed Bride.  Both went to the beach with their families, but what I loved most was they both went with their best friends + families as well, which is such a fun concept I hadn't thought of!

I'm not sure if it's the longer days or the nice weather, but summer just feels like the perfect time to get things done around the house!  One of the items on our to-do list this summer was to re-stain our deck, which has definitely seen better days, but it hasn't happened yet.  But just as I was thinking this task might have to wait until next summer, Young House Love came to the rescue and shared step-by-step instructions on how they stripped, cleaned, and re-stained their deck in just a couple days.  I'm definitely motivated, so we'll see if I can motivate Sam...

One of my Influence Conference roomies celebrated seven years of marriage this week and she wrote a post on seven things she's learned since getting married and I sat their reading her post and agreeing with every suggestion she shared (even if Sam & I have only been married for five years).  Sure, marriage isn't easy, but when you invest the time & energy into your spouse and relationship, it is so worth it!

I consider myself an avid reader of blogs.  (I love posts like this where other bloggers share their favorite blogs to read because it usually directs me to a blog I add to my feed.)  One blog that I have enjoyed over the last year or so has been Emphasis Added, which is written by Emily who lives in Chicago with her husband and two beautiful little girls.  Her posts aren't usually long or in depth, but it's her descriptions and stories that capture my attention and keep me coming back to find out what new adventure they've had.  If you're looking for a blog with great stories and fun pictures, check out Emphasis Added!

This last link is just one that I found funny when it popped up on my Twitter feed.  If you know me, I am a fan of Instagram.  It's a fun way to share your life with your online friends through a picture & short caption.  Well, this week, I found a post titled "If Disney Princesses had Instagram, the World would be a Better Place" and I couldn't stop laughing at the pictures & captions that fit perfectly with some of my favorite childhood memories.  Too funny!

Hope you have a good weekend!


  1. Hey Meaghan! I agree with you and love to link to favorite posts and share fun posts with readers. Thank you for linking to mine. :) Can't wait to meet you soon !

  2. I love reading your lists! So good. And thank you for including me amongst such good company! Wishing you the best of weekends, friend! :)

  3. YHL's deck came out SO nice! Good luck with yours :)
