Monday, November 3, 2014

November Goals

For someone that lives on lists, these posts are some of my favorite to write each month.  But, to be honest, they aren't always the easiest.  While I enjoy setting goals for the month, I find it really humbling when I have to share whether I accomplished them or not.  Anyone else find this to be true?

October Recap:

1. Continuing the spending freeze & sticking to our budget (third month's the charm?). We did much better on this one this month. We did have a couple unexpected expenses, but were able to sell a few things throughout the month to balance out the extra spending.
2. Set boundaries for Internet use, specifically when I'm home with Calvin. Still working on this one...

3. Sit down with Sam & set some SMART goals for Sam Grable Photography. FAIL. We talked about doing this, but didn't actually sit down & set any.  This will be on next month's for sure.

4. Go on a date with Sam (without Calvin, if possible). Thanks to some baby-loving grandparents, we achieved this goal.  I'd love to have at least one childless date with Sam each month if we can make that happen...

5. Start working on our house to get it ready to sell/rent. This one is started.  We had a couple appointments with real estate agents & rental companies and are working on getting the house ready.

November Goals:

1. Set SMART goals for Sam Grable Photography with Sam.

2. Continue to work on Internet/phone boundaries.

3. Budget, budget, budget!
4. Get back into blogging (for me).
Linking up with The Tiny Twig // Goals with Grace


  1. I am continually working on boundaries with the internet. It is hard. What works for me, most of the time, is doing an internet-free weekend. Although another blogger that linked up this month said she tried to stay off her phone from 7-10 every night. I like that idea too!

  2. Yes...I am wanting to set some of those boundaries too! I just read Rebecca's post and thought that was a great idea! I have been trying to not get on my phone for the first hour and a half each is really hard!!!

  3. I need boundaries with the Internet, too. I struggle to find a happy middle ground. Let me know if you have a strategy!
