(warning: please prepare to give me a lot of grace for last month's goals...)
August Recap:
1. Stick to our budget + look at it weekly with Sam. --- Honestly? I'd give this one a C. We met at least twice, but we had a few unplanned costs come up, but we also made some extra income too. I think we came out about even, but I felt like I didn't have as good of a handle on it as I'd like.
2. Find ways to support Sam, both at home & with his photography business. --- Still working on this one. My baby has finally started to nap regularly, so I'm finding I have more open time during the day to devote to this goal in the future.
3. Post at least one blog post per week on Grable Tales. --- FAIL! I'm rethinking this goal and, as of late, rethinking the direction/purpose of this space...
4. Work on getting Calvin on some sort of routine (any tips are welcome!). --- As of last week, this has finally happened. It's not steadfast, but it's working for us + we are all happier, so a win-win!
September Goals:
1. I'm putting myself on a spending freeze in hopes that this helps with our budget. The only exception is budgeted expenses (bills, food, gas).
2. Spending dedicated time with Sam that doesn't revolve our sweet baby boy.
3. Get out of the house more! Whether that looks like a walk around the neighborhood or meeting up with a friend, I need to step out of my comfort zone that is my house.
Linking up with The Tiny Twig // Goals with Grace
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