Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This dog got his nails trimmed this morning... more drama than necessary.
His nails seemed to be growing at an alarming rate and before we knew it, he'd probably be in the Guinness Book of World Records - they were THAT long.
Following some biting, whining, and bleeding, the job was done and now the nails are much shorter.
After Buster's nail appointment, we stopped for a "day off" Starbucks and then went grocery shopping. We had a simple lunch of grilled cheese and I cleaned our bathroom shower. Tonight, we're making a rainy day dinner of noodles, sauce, & chicken, as well as homemade sourdough bread - yum!
Hope you're all having a good Veteran's Day - thank you to all the Veterans out there.


  1. Don't forget that Buster peed right before his nails were clipped and that he then pooped outside, like he was wiping the dust from his feet after being at Petco.

  2. Buster looks bigger than you in this picture! How did he do that?

    OH The joys of parenting a pup!
