I imagine this wasn't what you thought you'd see after reading the title of this post, but these were the scenes from my recent trip to Austin, TX and I loved every minute of it!
See, one of my best friends recently moved to TX to chase a dream her & her husband had and while I was very excited for her, my heart was sad because I wouldn't get to see her as often. However, when I got the call that said best friend was pregnant {with baby #2}, the best excuse to visit her had now appeared.
So that's what I did, I boarded a plane over Memorial Day weekend and arrived just days after baby Selah's arrival! Simply put, my days were mainly spent running errands, playing in a band with a 2 year old rock star {who's "Auntie Meaghan" sounded more like "Handy Manny" :)}, and holding the baby whenever I possibly could. If you ask me, it was {honestly} my kind of vacation!
Thank you James & Michelle for opening your home to me, espcially during this huge change in your lives, and I can't wait to come back! Maybe I'll see some of the real scenes of Austin next time...