One of the {many} blogs I follow,
I Love You More Than Carrots, shared a link up yesterday that I couldn't resist -
What's Your Love Story. And since I don't recall sharing a lot of these details on the blog, this hopefully will be new information to most of you! Enjoy!
1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
Sam & I officially met back in the Fall of 2004, but didn't start really dating until March of 2005, so that would make it almost 7 years!
2. How did you meet? {What's your "love" story?}
Sam & I met in college, through mutual friends. He was a senior and I was a sophomore. He lived in a house on-campus with a few of my guy friends and since my roommate and I found ourselves over there often, Sam & I eventually met. At first, I didn't really notice him, but thanks to the power of IM {instant messenger}, we slowly got to know each other better. And before I knew it, I was going over to see him more than my other friends.
3. If married, how long have you been married?
This June, we'll have been married 4 years!
4. If you are married, where did you get married at? Big or small wedding?
We were married in Bend, Oregon at Aspen Hall {a place I had wanted to get married at years before meeting Sam}. We had about 250 people at our wedding and it seemed just right for us because we had everyone we loved their in attendance with us!
5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? Do share!
I think Sam has more nicknames for me than I do for him, but one that he calls me often is 'Meag-train' and I usually reply back with 'Sam-face'.
6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
*His devotion to his family + faith.
*His sense of humor.
*His ability to fix almost anything.
7. Tell us how he proposed?
Two years {to the
date} after Sam officially told me how he felt about me, he got down on one
knee to ask me to be his wife. We had
decided to spend Christmas together early, since we'd be apart for the actual
holiday, and we went up to Portland
to spend the day together.
knew he had picked out the ring a couple months back, but had no idea when he
was planning on proposing. Before the date, I had mentioned to my
roommate that she should take her phone with her "just in case something
happened". Little did I know that my roommate was already aware of
Sam's plan the whole time.
After a drizzly day in the city, my
apartment was our final destination for the night. This completely threw
me off because I was sure if Sam was going to propose, he would have done it
somewhere during the day. But once we were on our way back to my
apartment, I was sure it wasn't going to happen that night. {But I was wrong!}
When we got to my apartment, Sam asked if
we wanted to exchange gifts. I gave him his present first, which included
Seinfeld season 7. Then Sam gave me mine - a new Bible engraved with
'Meaghan Grable' {my name-to-be}, which oddly didn't give me any clue
whatsoever. At least not until Sam turned to me and said "there's
more..." and got down on one knee and pulled out the ring! I was
shocked and before he had completed "Will you marry me?", I had
already said yes!
8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
I'd say he's definitely a 'flowers' guy. Even when it's not Valentine's Day, he'll still surprise me with a pretty bouquet of my favorite flowers!
9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
Hands down, I'm a 'pop a move in and relax on the couch' kind of girl. Nothing makes me happier than being cuddled up with Sam!
10. Tell us one thing you'd like to do with your significant one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?
Sam & I didn't get the chance to go on a real honeymoon after our wedding, so one thing I'd love to do with him is go on a trip, just the two of us. All of our other travels have been to visit family and friends {which is great!}, but I dream of a vacation where we can just just relax and enjoy each other's company no matter where we decide to go.
11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine's Day.
I don't know of any plans for Valentine's Day, so my guess is we'll probably just treat it like any other night.
12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine's day?
I did drop the hint that I'd like 'Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 1', but I may just end up having to get that for myself.
13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
Remember to be open & honest and not let the little things get you mad. Also, laugh a lot!
14. Show us a picture of what love means to you.