Friday, June 28, 2013

5 on Friday

I'm trying something new this week and linking up with Darcie from The Good Life Blog for five on Friday!

This week has been full of memories, celebrations, and today, an end of a chapter.  Next week I will start a new job and while I'm excited for this change, I'm also nervous for the unknown of it all.  I'm praying for peace, a smooth transition, and patience for all!

I'm a fan of Pinterest!  Well, let me rephrase that, I am a fan of pinning on Pinterest :)  I love to pin great ideas, but as far as actually trying them out, I don't usually follow through.  So last weekend, Sam had the great idea to take one of my Pinterest pins and turn it in to a anniversary gift.  And a plus: it falls in line with the five year traditional anniversary gift of wood!  Win, win!  I'll definitely post about it when it's complete.

This week, I found myself, on a number of occassions, feeling extra thankful for the friendships in my life.  Whether it's conversations via text, Twitter, or in person, my "friend-tank" was filled this week.  Now, if only there was a way we could all hang out in real life whenever we want without the need to travel all day...

Even though life seems pretty good at the moment, I have to be honest and say I still have times where I wish my life was different and envy the lives of others.  Erin of Blue Eyed Bride wrote a beautiful post sharing her similar thoughts and I loved this line she shared from the book A Beautiful Purpose: "Can you honor the Me in her?”  I immediately took a step back and found myself thanking God for where I'm at and for those He's placed in my life at this time.  These feelings & questionings aren't easy, but I appreciate God putting reminders like Erin's post out there for me to find.

With my birthday coming up, I find myself wanting to keep it low-key & quiet, but I'd by lying if I didn't say I'm looking forward to seeing what this next year holds for me...

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