I've seen this floating around Facebook & Blog-land, so I thought I'd fill it out too =)
What are your middle names?Mine is Elizabeth; Sam's in Philip (with 1 'L' - yes, I had to re-do our wedding invites because my darling husband had a memory lapse in how to spell his middle name. Got to love him!)
How long have you been together?Since Spring of 2005.
How long did you know each other before you started dating?We both went to the same college and Sam was a Resident Assistant my freshman year (2003) in the same hall I was living in so I knew who he was before he knew who I was. But we were formally introduced my sophomore year (2004) through mutual friends.
Who asked whom out?We did a lot of group outings when we first met, but I'd have to say Sam probably initiated the first date.
How old are each of you?I am 23 and Sam is 26.
Whose siblings do you see the most?Sam's siblings (shoutout to Josh, Laura, & Matt!) since they all live fairly close; Although one of my brothers lives less than an hour away and I haven't seen him in months =(
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?Money... I'm an impulse buyer/seller and Sam isn't.
Did you go to the same school?College, yes.
Are you from the same home town?No, I'm from Bend & Sam's from Sandy.
Who is smarter?I would say Sam is - he's constantly pulling random facts out of no where!
Who is the most sensitive?
I would say Sam is sensitive, but I definitely cry & react more than he does.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?Red Robin.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?Ha... um, Bend from our home in Salem. Yes, that's only a 3 hour drive.
Who has the craziest exes?Since I was Sam's first & only girlfriend, that would be me...
Who has the worst temper?Remember how I said I cry & react more than Sam? Yeah, my temper would definitely be classified as worse than his.
Who does the cooking?Sam is a MUCH better cook than me, but we share in the cooking most of the time.
Who is the neat-freak?Me again...
Who is more stubborn?Not sure on this one... I think we'd both say the other =)
Who hogs the bed?Probably me... but I like to blame it on our puppy Buster.
Who wakes up earlier?Sam likes to work earlier so he gets off earlier, so since we've been married, he's gotten up first. But on weekends, I'm definitely the one up and moving around first.
Where was your first date?We had a few "first dates", but the one I consider to be our first real date was dinner at Applebees. Now everytime we drive by that particular Applebees, we say, "Remember when we went to Applebees?" Cheesey, but we'll always remember it!
Who is more jealous?I've been hurt way too many times to count so my jealousy/trust issues tend to rear their ugly heads more times than necessary.
How long did it take to get serious?When Sam told me how he felt about me for the first time, I had just got out of a long relationship and wasn't looking to get into another one. He was understanding and it took about 6 months before I was convinced we were "more than just friends".
Who eats more?Sam; When I was younger, my parents told me I ate like a bird (small meals) and I still believe I do today.
Who does the laundry?
Me, most of the time. Sam does help, which is very nice!
Who’s better with the computer?We both know our way around a computer, but Sam is the one who taught me the tricks & insights of a Mac.
Who drives when you are together?We take turns; Although I prefer he drives to his parents & he prefers I drive to mine =)