Monday, March 30, 2009

5 Snipets from our Weekend

1. No trip to Bend = A weekend at home (blogged about here) = A happy husband!
Now, I am pretty sure Sam would have enjoyed having the weekend to himself, but a little part of me believes he was very happy to have me home to keep him company.

2. In an effort to save money (& because our promo with Comcast ended) , we decided to opt for basic cable instead of a-lot-of-channels-we-don't-watch & our beloved DVR. The DVR has been a lifesaver for us on Sunday, Monday, & Thursday nights (yes, we loves our television shows) , but the cost of cable is pretty ridiculous. So no more DVR for us. =(

3. Related to #2 - we had to return our cable & DVR box for a regular HD box and in doing so, we magically recieved channels we never got before! For example: Bravo, Starz, & HBO. We contacted Comcast and they said our change to basic cable would be in effect on April 1st, so we had a nice weekend full of awesome movies for free! I promise we aren't trying to steal cable.

4. In an effort to not starve, Sam and I went grocery shopping this weekend. With a planned stop at Costco for a list of 3 things (costing under $20 max) , we came out with a lot more (almost $130 worth of more) . We got a lot of useful items, but I hope it lasts us more than a week (crossing my fingers it will last 3) .

5. The rain fell on Saturday (ALL DAY) , but on Sunday we had sunny skies! Sam took advantage of it and planted some flower seeds & brought out our patio furniture. I can't wait for the summer nights we can all (dogs included) hang out in our beautiful backyard again.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Cleaning & No Trip to Bend

The trip to Bend was canceled this morning when I woke up to find a "snow advisory from Saturday morning until Sunday evening". I didn't think it would be safe to travel without proper fitting chains or my snow tires on, so no trip to Bend. =(

Instead, a little Spring cleaning was in order for Sam & I. Last night he took on cleaning the kitchen -- basically he took everything off our counters and scrubbed every inch of them, as well as the sink & the top of the stove. He also cleaned our Kitchen Aid Mixer, the multiple canisters we have & various other things that take up space in our kitchen. I told him how thankful I was that he took on that project since the kitchen seems to overwhelm me when it comes to cleaning... ahh, just thinking about it makes me nervous. Good thing it's clean!
This morning, we woke up & got right to cleaning (after checking the weather & canceling my trip) . We took everything out the kitchen that we could and scrubbed the floors. Then we moved everything from the living room & vacuumed the carpets. We also changed some light bulbs and got our grocery shopping done. And all before noon!

Now we're spending the afternoon doing nothing and enjoying each others company. Hope you have a good weekend!

P.S. Mom -- Sorry we couldn't hang out this weekend. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Another trip to Bend...

Now don't get me wrong, I love seeing familar faces, but the time it takes to get to Bend (especially for such short trips) just wears me out. 2 1/2 to 3 hours of curvy roads and occasional bad weather is not my cup of tea. But the reason for the trips is reason enough to make the trek over there.

This weekend's reason happens to be a wedding. And for those who know me, I can't pass up a good wedding. =) And as usual, my trip will be pretty packed with events because when I go to Bend, I feel like I have to get a lot done/spend times with those I love. The itenerary is as follows:

Saturday -

7:30-8:00am Leave Sam & the pups.

10:30ish Arrive in Bend.

11:00am Attend a spa day for an organization my mom helps with.

1:00pm Have Jamba Juice with Michelle & Kaity (hopefully) .

4:00pm Get ready for said-reason-of-trip-to-Bend, the wedding.

5:30pm Attend wedding.

9:00-10:00pm Go to bed.

Sunday -

8:30-9:00am Wake up & go to breakfast with mom & brother (hopefully) .

10:30am Get on the road again to go home.

Like I said, lots to do!

Not to mention that I have a house that needs to be cleaned up after, so tonight I'll try to cover laundry & vaccuming so that I won't have to worry about that on Sunday when I get home.

Pray for a safe trip to & from Bend!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wednesday Wish List

With Spring just around the corner (hopefully) , my green thumb can't wait for it to warm up so we can spruce up both our front & back yard. This door mat would look great at our front door to welcome Spring.

Crate & Barrel has a couple Spring Flower Door Mats that I would be happy to place out front. Now if only the sun would shine for longer than a day.

Invisible Children House Party

I believe I've mentioned Invisible Children on here at least once before, but for those interested in reading more, click here.

I was first introduced to IC through Bethany (bridesmaid/great friend) in 2006, after we had gone to New Orleans. Bethany was the contact for George Fox and was preparing for a movie screening for the students. I walked into the auditorium not knowing anything about the organization or the movie and came out with my mind blown. Seriously, if you haven't heard of this organization or what's going on in Uganda, then check it out! You will hardly believe it.

Three years later, IC put out a new movie and is planning a "rescue" event at the end of April. I participated in the Global Night Commute three years ago by "commuting" to Pioneer Square in Portland and spending the night there, just as the Invisible Children do each night in Uganda to get away from the LRA. This new event is similar, but different. And it's happening all over the country (and beyond) .

My best friend, Kelly, and her housemates threw an awesome house party on Sunday night, full of food, music, and of course, the new IC movie. The house was packed! Although a small venue, having the place full meant there were a lot of people being exposed to the sadness going on in Uganda. I sure hope that it affected at least one person in attendance, hopefully more.

It's easy to think, "what can I do? I'm only one person." but if the right person finds out what's going on and wants to stop it, the sky's the limit. And the hope with the event happening in a month is to get those people who are higher up (politicians & celebrities) to use their power to make a difference. Oh my, how wonderful it would be to see an end to those pain & suffering those innocent children are faced with every day. Like I said, take a look & become aware of what's going on. Maybe you know someone who can make a difference.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Baby Shower

Today was Michelle's baby shower and it was a full house!
There were decorations.
Lots of finger foods.
And my favorite -- cupcakes! They were both delicious and very cute!
Here is the mommy-to-be (in the middle). On the left is Kaity (also pregnant). All 3 of us worked together at Mid Oregon Credit Union.
Both mommies-to-be!
Michelle is due at the end of April & Kaity is due at the end of May.
This is the daddy-to-be, James, and their friend's baby, Jude.
And lastly I'll leave you with a few pictures of Little Boy Heater's nursery. It's all ready & waiting for his arrival. Can't wait to meet the little guy!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Buster is Famous!

Well, kind of. =)

Lately I've become very interested in reading blogs. I came across one that I instantly clicked with on a few levels, one being her adorable pug, Milo. Leaving and Loving on a Jetplane is a newlywed & has a pug -- just like me! And a few weeks ago, Mrs. Jetplane started a contest called Pugapalooza, that would feature a new pug each week (for 5 weeks) and then the winner would be voted on by her readers. Well I sent in Buster's pictures a couple weeks ago and to my surprise, he was picked as the final finalist today. Click here to see her post.

Thank you Mrs. Jetplane for picking our Buster. And to my readers, I'll let you know when the voting goes up so you can cast your vote for your favorite pug!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Michelle & LBH

This is Michelle. That baby bump is the home of Little Boy Heater (no name has been decided, so this is how I refer to him) . As I've said in a previous post, Michelle and I worked together while I was living in Bend with my mom & planning the wedding. She even threw me a bridal shower after only knowing me 6 months. Needless to say, she's a wonderful person. And now it's her time to be showered, especially since LBH (Little Boy Heater) is due to make his appearance in just over a month.

Michelle made it clear that she wanted to be a part of her shower planning and knew pretty much exactly what she wanted, so I've offered my services to help in any way I could (from 3 hours away) .

The shower is this weekend (Saturday) and I've been watching the weather like a crazy person -- checking the Pass Cams every hour and praying for no snow. As of right now (Thursday night) , I'm deciding to brave the weather and head over to Bend after work tomorrow night. I'll spend the night with my mom & then help Michelle at the shower on Saturday. Then I'll head back over the mountain after the shower and be home before dark (hopefully) . Although it will be a quick trip, I want to be there to "shower" Michelle & James and I already know it will be worth it.

I'll do a follow-up post after I get home with pictures & details. Stay tuned...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wednesday Wish List

I have always been a fan of jeans. Especially through college, jeans were my go-to item. When I graduated, I still wanted to wear my go-to item, but sadly had to make the change to the dress pants. After being in the working world for almost 2 years, I have built a more professional work attire, while still keeping a few items (i.e. jeans) for the weekends, days off & casual Fridays. I love these Levi's Arcuate Trouser Flare 515 Jeans! So many good things about them: (1) The color is good for both casual wear & can be dressed up if needed. (2) They are only $30!!! (3) The brand name is one that can be trusted, as it has been loyal to the jean area for decades. (4) And lastly -- it comes in petites! A must for someone under 5'4" who doesn't wear the tallest shoes or doesn't want to trip on their pants every time they take a step.

I'll take a good fitting pair of jeans any day! =)

Monday, March 16, 2009

March Birthday Girls!

In the course of about 5 days, these three women in my life all celebrated a birthday. Happy Birthday girls!

This weekend we celebrated one of the birthdays (but the other two were celebrated in our hearts =)) . A family birthday party for Momma Donna (as she calls herself) was held in Sandy on Sunday and it was lots of fun. We hung out and ate lots of food. I made Coconut Cupcakes and they were a hit! I'm eating one right after I get done with this post in fact.

Other than the birthday party, Sam and I had a nice, productive weekend. We got new tires for his car & got lots of groceries. We also spent some time with Charles & Kristi, which is always a good time!

Now on to a week of work and a possible trip to Bend coming up this weekend. The good friend on the right is having her first child & the baby shower is this weekend. The roads don't look good now, but maybe that will change before Friday (all my fingers & toes are crossed, Michelle!) .

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Secret (Free) Surprises

You know all of those promotional coupons you get in the mail? I probably recieve them from 2 or 3 different stores per week. Some are lame, but others make me go, "oh I neeeed that", when really I don't. This shopping ban has really made me reconsider purchases before I make them. For instance, I don't just go to Target to "see what's on clearance". And it feels good to walk away empty handed (sometimes =)) . But this week was a little different.

First, I stopped by Victoria's Secret to get my free pair of underwear. I LOVE this promotion. Enough said. It's nice to get a free pair of cotton underwears for free every few months. What a great idea. And I keep coming back for more.

Secondly, I went to Macy's because I had recieved a Secret Shopper's Gift Card that was good for $10, $20, $50, $100, or even $500. The catch was you didn't know the amount until you went to a store and had them scan it for you. Well to my surprise, I was the lucky recipient of a free $50 gift card! Whoa! I love free money! And what do you know... I spent it all right away. (Hey, no shopping can hurt a girl, plus it was FREE MONEY!) I bought a Cake & Cupcake Travel Carrier (with regular & mini cupcake baking pans included) and those A-Z Cookie Cutters I blogged about a few weeks ago. My total (with coupons) came to $50.98 and after my $50 FREE gift card, I only spent $0.98 - SO COOL! Now I can't wait to bake up some delicious treats to take somewhere!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wednesday Wish List*

*Name change from Wednesday Wants to Wednesday Wish List because "Wants" sounds very spoiled, "I get what I want" to me and I'd rather have these posts be about things I find & enjoy.

With the weather having a hard time making up it's mind (snow, sun, rain, hail, & repeat) , my wardrobe has been mainly about layering. And beginning this year, I've jumped on the scarf train and am loving it.

source: Forever 21

Most of my scarfs are the actual "keep yourself warm" knitted scarfs, but I have acquired a few fashion scarfs this year too. They are a quick accessory and can brighten up a gloomy day and basic outfit. Not to mention they do a nice job of warming you up. You can find these accessories almost any where, just depends how much you want to spend on them. Forever 21 has a wide array of beautiful scarfs. And most of them are under $10, which in this economy is always a plus.

Where have I been?

Good question... and the easy answer is lazy. I knew my mom (possibly one of only few readers I've got) would want to hear about my sleepover with Kelly and see the picture she requested, but I just haven't been able to get myself to post. Maybe it's because Sunday & Monday brought snow flurries (that didn't stick) and crummy weather. Maybe it's because I get home and all I want to do is absolutely nothing, and so that's what I do (but tonight, I need to get some things done!). Who knows the reasons, but now I'm posting (yay!) , so enjoy!

Friday night with Kelly was excellent & much needed. We met at her sister's house and then headed over to McMenamin's Kennedy School to watch a movie & grab a bite to eat. We saw "Rachel Getting Married" and it was really good. I hadn't heard anything about this, but I really liked it. Following the movie, we headed back to Kelly's sister's house and had some tea and did what we do best - talk! We got to bed a little after 11pm and then woke up to talk some more. Overall a great time had by all! =)

Saturday was spent cleaning & doing errands around the house. Sam's brother Matt came up from Eugene for some pizza & games. A pretty low key day/night.

Sunday wasn't much different. We basically laid around & watched the Harry Potter Marathon on TV.

The work week hasn't been much different. We've come home and just wanted to relax. Sam's parent's were in California over the weekend and made a stop at our place on their way home on Monday night. Other than work, we've just been trying to catch up on sleep after losing an hour over the weekend. I think it's just an excuse to go to sleep earlier.

Tonight (Wednesday), we made dinner and took the pups for a walk because the sun was shining (a beautiful thing after snow flurries on Sunday & Monday) . We stopped by the Weather's to say hello & see Kristi's new curtains made by her & her mother-in-law. They look great! After the walk, I tried out a recipe that I wanted to make this upcoming weekend for Sam's family March birthday party. According to Sam, they turned out good, so I'll share on Sunday when I make them for reals.

I also got started on a project for my good friend Michelle's baby shower. I want it to be a little bit of a surprise, but here's a sneak peak (above). I'm helping Michelle (from afar) with a few little items like favors and it's fun, especially because she & our friend Kaity threw an awesome wedding shower for me almost a year ago.

Hope I'm better about keeping up with things for the rest of the week. We're going out with our friends, Tim & Vanessa on Friday night and then heading to Sandy for the day on Sunday. We don't always have this much going on, but being busy means we've got blog topics, woo!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Happy Friday!

This week has been long and I am gladly welcoming the weekend with open arms. =)
Instead of going home tonight & hanging out with the husband, I'm traveling the hour north into Portland to visit this lovely girl pictured above. She just happens to be my college roommate & one of my best friends and since getting married (me) & traveling overseas (her), we haven't had a good old fashioned sleep over for a long time. She's housesitting for her sister, so we've got the house all to ourselves. Who knows exactly what's in store, but I believe we are going to try and catch a movie at McMenamin's Kennedy School - We loves some $3 movies!

As for Saturday & Sunday, hopefully I can get a lot of house cleaning/organizing done. I've had a few things brewing in my head that I want to get done, so we'll see how that goes. The rest of our weekends in March are already packed full of birthday parties, baby showers, & weddings, oh my!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday Wants

I wasn't sure if I was going to do a Wednesday Wants this week (since I did my Friday edition last week), but then I found something I had to share. A couple months ago, I was introduced to Basically it is a site full of handmade items and I love the creativity that others share out there. From clothing to prints, this site really has everything you ever thought someone could make.

Check this out! JennysBakeShop over at Etsy makes these cute signs and I love them! I've seen the "Be Calm and Carry On" signs, but this one fit me to a tee. For the last few years, I've been cupcake obsessed and love anything that has to do with them. I chose to do cupcakes at my wedding and whenever I make them at home, it always puts me in a good mood. If I ever get lucky enough to receive this, I'd put this print up in our guest room/my girly room and definitely smile every time I looked at it.
Update: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't think I'm spoiled and get whatever I say I want at any given moment, but it just so happens that the people who give me gifts the most (Sam & mom) enjoy when I tell them I want something because then they don't have to guess. Anyways, mom loves this so much that she says it will make a great birthday gift. So I am both lucky & extremely thankful! Thank you mom!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Weekend Update - Bullets Edition

  • What? We had a weekend in there? Where did it go? Like most weekends, this weekend went by too fast. Friday came & we were both excited for a weekend at home.
  • Saturday morning, I got up early and ran my list of errands. Sam didn't feel like tagging along and I didn't want him to come if he didn't want to, so it was a "me" morning. Too bad, I couldn't spend any fun money =)
  • I did get my studded tires off my car; returned some shirts to Old Navy for Sam; closed some remaining single-days accounts (i.e. bank accounts/credit cards that I had before we got married & no longer need); went to Winco AND Costco.
  • I quickly realized how these errands were not as easy without Sam, mainly going to Winco & Costco. I felt overwhelemed in both stores & it probably took me twice as long since we tend to "divide and conquer" when we go grocery shopping. Nonetheless, I got it done and was home by noon.
  • Sunday, we went to church & came home for our last bit of time off until the next week began.
  • I tackled the shower & put on a new shower liner, only to realize that it was too short for our shower. Boo! We rigged it so it would work for this morning, but I ran to Bed Bath and Beyond on my lunch and picked up an Extra Long Shower Liner - hope it's not too long!
  • Bullets are fun!