Friday, October 23, 2015

Loving Through Loss: Day 23


I've said this before, but loss is loss. No matter who you lose, it's still hard. But you know those stories that you hear/read and it makes you think, "this cannot be real!"? This is what Heather Spohrs' story was for me.

I can't do her story justice, so I'm not going to try too hard. As someone who has also lost a young child, I found comfort in her honesty & beautiful account of her daughter, Maddie's short, but impactful life. Heather has also written on her point of view after losing her best friend to a terminal brain tumor and how that loss has changed her life. Heather has been blogging for over 12 years, so she might not be new to you, but I encourage you to check out her page & read her posts on life & loss.

31 days: Loving Through Loss

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